
You Haven’t Missed Leg Day But You Still Look Like An Inverted Triangle...

by Sportitude

So you have spent hours doing squats and working on your hammies, yet you still get quizzed about missing leg day. There are 5 things you could be doing wrong to prevent your progress. 

1. Mix it up: The more gym sessions you implement into your weekly routine, the more you need to change it up. Consistent change is essential to growth. What this means is not just changing up your routine and the machines you use, but also changing up your reps. If you are doing 10 sets across the board, it may be time to add a few or deduct a few from each different exercise. 

2. It's not all in the numbers: If you are purely focused on the how much weight you have on your squat bar, you’re doing it all wrong. Research suggests that building volume in your legs is more about using lower loads and implementing more repetition. 

3. Keep two things consistent: Variation of squats and deadlifts are key to building leg strength. 

4. Cardio overload: If you are a runner or training for a marathon, then cardio is non negotiable. However if gaining muscle mass is the goal then focus on strength training and not cardio. Long cardio leads to a catabolic process in which you start breaking down muscle. Work on your metabolic conditioning instead with circuit style workouts. 

5. Eat right: When it comes to loosing weight, the word carbohydrates has become somewhat of an enemy. If your aim is to stack on size, then go for it. Men’s fitness suggests that if the end game is to put on muscle your food breakdown should consist of 60% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 10% fat. If the end game is to lose weight then the break down should be 40/30/30.