
Why The Hulk Probably Did Yoga

by Sportitude

When it comes to bodybuilding and yoga, it would be easy to assume that the two remain world's apart and while it may be intimidating to consider swapping a weight session for a yoga class, there are plenty of reasons why bodybuilders should be taking up yoga. 

1. Greater range of motion: Not to be confused with flexibility, a greater range of movement means focusing on those neglected muscle groups which rarely receive a workout. Tight muscles mean you are unable to move adequately during a weights session. Tight hamstrings, glutes, pecs, and shoulders especially limit a lifter. Tight shoulder joints, as an example, mean the pectoral muscles don’t receive a full workout leading to smaller chest mass. A good yoga class will focus on all neglected muscle groups, lengthening and strengthening these groups.    

2. Improved breathing: While it may seem like a simple step of a fitness routine to master, learning proper breathing techniques requires some dedication and skill. Focusing on inhaling all the way through the diaphragm and exhaling while holding difficult poses. As the class progresses, the breathing slows down, teaching the body how to oxygenate itself more efficiently. This, in turn, improves performance in both cardio and weight lifting.  

3. Strengthen your stabilizer muscles: Ever wondered why the guy with the small physique manages to hold his poses longer than the buff man in the corner? It all comes down to those all important stabilizer muscles. Many poses in YOGA require strong posture and balance. The muscles used during these poses are usually neglected during regular weight lifting and gym sessions. Moving the body in unusual and unaccustomed ways means smaller stabilizer muscles are strengthened. 

4. Find balance: Yoga poses are both challenging and require extreme focus, incorporating movements our bodies are unaccustomed to.  Spending time in unfamiliar postures helps improve focus and balance.      

5. Active rest: One of the side effects of being a committed athlete is sticking to those rest days. Yoga offers a welcome alternative for those who find it hard sitting on the couch with a class, which isn’t high impact and allows the muscles ample time to recover.