
Discover 4 Food Staples That Will Elevate Your Running Form

by Sportitude

Nutrition can be overwhelming.  Running can be overwhelming. Knowing how to combine the two to maximise both fitness and health benefits requires some dedicated research and planning.  So while you read up on carb loading, nutritionally dense foods and how best to fuel for running while maintaining a balanced diet, here are 4 diet staples you should be adding to your weekly grocery list. These four staples will not only help boost your performance but will also aid your recovery.  

1. Wild Salmon: A study conducted by the European Journal of Applied Physiology found that fish oil not only increased overall health but also helped increase heart stroke volume. This is the amount of blood the heart pumps with each contraction. It was also found to increase cardiac output during low to moderate intensity exercise. 

2. Kale: As a member of the cabbage family, Kale contains vitamins A, B6, C and K, as well as calcium and iron, making it one of the most antioxidant-rich vegetables. However when it comes to running, kale holds high anti-inflammatory properties. With muscle inflammation especially common amongst long distance runners, kale makes an important diet staple. 

3. Milk: A post-run glass of milk is one of the best routines a runner can introduce. Research has shown that muscle glycogen stores are replenished and muscle tissue is repaired fastest when both carbohydrates and proteins have been consumed post workout. With an ideal balance of fast acting carbohydrates and proteins, a glass of milk is an ideal option for muscle recovery. 

4. Bananas: While the carbohydrate content of bananas makes them the ideal pre and post workout choice, it’s the potassium found in bananas that offer's added benefits for runners. With an average of 400mg of potassium found in a banana, it provides much-needed potassium lost during exercise.