
The Science Behind Your Pre Workout Breakfast

by Sportitude

When it comes to breakfast, there are two kinds of people. In the one camp you have the breakfast club devotees who will happily whip up a breakfast of champions, mushrooms and all the sides included and on the other side you have those that would rather reach for a coffee and the front door. Food? Don’t even mention it before 10am!

But what if you like to exercise in the morning? When the 5:30am alarm rings, smashed avocado on toast may be the last thing on your mind but leaving on an empty stomach is not an option either.  

We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it helps kickstart our metabolism. When it comes to exercising, it becomes increasingly important not to skip the all-important first meal as it provides fuel for your exercise session and also prevents you from over indulging and undoing all that hard work after your session has finished. Because trust us, when you have kicked, punched and spun your way through 600 calories, eggs on toast won't suffice unless you had fuel in the tank to begin with.  

So what should you be eating before those vigorous morning gym sessions and spin classes? The secret is finding that fine line between a meal, which will sit heavy in your stomach, and a snack that will provide enough energy during your workout.

Furthermore, a combination of quick acting carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates is required to give you the energy and willpower to hit the ground running during the early hours of the morning and to keep a high level of intensity throughout the duration of your session.

Simple carbohydrates will kick into effect within 15 minutes of consumption while more complex carbohydrates will kick in within half an hour. The right protein and nutrients, which promote muscle repair, also play an important part in the puzzle. 

While the options are endless, we thought we would narrow it down to the top 7 pre-workout breakfasts you should have on rotation. 

Bananas with almond butter 

If you are not big on breakfast, bananas provide the perfect option for a pre-workout snack. Bananas are packed full of fast-acting carbohydrates, which means they will provide fuel in time for your workout. 

They are also rich in potassium, which aids in muscle recovery and nerve function. Spreading a tablespoon of almond or nut butter on your banana will add more complex carbohydrates and keep your energy levels at an optimum for longer. 


Packed full of fibre, oats offer a delicious pre-workout option that will provide a steady release of carbohydrates into the bloodstream. They are perfect for those longer workout sessions such as an extended run or training for a marathon. Top them with seasonal fruit for a quick hit of sugar that will have you bouncing out the door before 7am! 

Fruit smoothies

Though it may be tempting to assume that cutting all sugar out of our diets is best, for those who hit the gym often, fruit smoothies present the perfect pre-workout snack. This is because fruit based smoothies are a high-quality protein and contain a combination of simple and complex carbohydrates. They are also easy to digest which means they won’t sit heavy in your stomach during a workout. 

Egg white omelette 

Now before you jump the gun, we are well aware that the most nutritious part of an egg is in the yolk. It also metabolises much slower than egg whites and may leave you feeling sluggish before your workout. So whip up a protein-rich egg white omelette before your workout, and add your yolk to your smoothie post workout. We dare you.  

Dried fruit 

If time is of the essence and you have overslept that little window to prepare a smoothie or omelette, opt for half a cup of dried fruit. The simple carbohydrates stored in dried fruit will give you an instant energy boost without leaving you feeling heavy and bloated. Not ideal for longer sessions when a steady release of energy is required, in which case a spoonful of a nut butter on the side will serve you well. 

Greek yoghurt 

Here is a fun fact. Greek yoghurt contains double the amount of protein and half the amount of sugar as regular yoghurt. It is just what your achy muscles have been craving. A 200gram serving of greek yoghurt topped with seasonal fruit will provide the energy you need for your workout, without weighing you down, while also aiding in muscle repair. How could you say no.   

Wholegrain toast 

Now we don’t mean white toast either. Wholegrain toast, in particular, is packed full of fibre which means it will provide a slow-release of sustained energy throughout your session. It is especially useful during those longer workout sessions and runs.

Try topping your wholegrain toast with some fast-acting carbohydrates such as honey or jam because heck, we wouldn't want you craving an energy boost half way through your pump class. We want you to hit the ground running!