
The Gym Bag Edit: Top 5 Pilates And Yoga Essentials

by Sportitude

So you have just signed up to your first Pilates or Yoga class and now it’s onto stocking up on those essentials. We have simplified the search for you by getting back to basics. The top 5 essentials all new Yogi’s and Pilates devotees need in their gym bag.  

Exercise Mat: Skip the sanitizing wipes and sprays and ensure you always take your own yoga mat with you. While most studios will offer their own mats, making it tempting to run out the door without packing one of your own, yoga and pilates promote excessive sweating and no amount of sprays can wipe away all the layers of bacteria found on communal mats.  

Water bottle and towel: Expect to sweat a lot, especially during a Pilate’s class so do ensure you bring a towel. Not only is it necessary for hygiene reasons, you will need it to ensure you don’t slip on your mat.  Do remember to drink plenty of water during our class and consider packing electrolytes to add to your water bottle as well to ensure you keep hydrated during as well as after your class.  

Tights: Pilates and Yoga require a wide range of movement, so do ensure you pack a pair of suitable tights. Baggy shorts or lounge pants will not only slide down and cause some potential embarrassment but will prevent your teacher from seeing your movement properly and in turn will prevent them from instructing you accordingly.  

Foam roller: You can extend your workout and Pilates class to your home in a cheap and effective way with a foam roller. Not only will it help to lengthen and strengthen your muscles, it will also serve as your own personal masseuse. A necessity for Pilate’s beginners who will experience sore and tight muscles during those first could of weeks. 

Book: They say power is knowledge, and knowing how your body works and the benefits of Pilates will help you maximize your results. Read up before your first class. Not only will you impress your instructor, but you will also familiarise yourself with all the key terms to make for a smoother first class.