
How To Step Into Your Summer Body

by Sportitude

Working hard to for that summer butt? Add some intensity to your workout by incorporating walking lunges. Lunges not only work your glutes, hamstrings and quads but they also help lift your behind and give it shape.

Stand upright with your feet together. Take a controlled step forward with one leg, lowering your hips towards the floor by bending both knees to 90-degree angles. The back knee should point towards but not touch the ground. At the same time, the front knee should directly be over the ankle. Press your right heel into the ground and push off with your left foot to bring your left foot forward, stepping carefully into a lunge on the other side.  

Take it up a notch by incorporating some weights into your lunges. Place dumbbells in each hand or hold a weight bar on your shoulders. The weights should be heavy enough for you to feel resistance as you walk out of your lunge but not too heavy to hamper your form. Ideally, you should start with small weights and build your way up to reduce the chance of injury to your leg muscles and knees. Don't swing the dumbbells to help you rise out of the squat; hold them straight down at your sides. 

Incorporate 3 reps of 20 into your gym sessions at least 5 times a week to start seeing results within a month, and by results, we truly mean a perkier bum.