
Recipe: Replenish Your Electrolytes The Natural Way

by Sportitude

We have heard the name floating around, but what are Electrolytes and why do we need them?

At the most basic level, electrolytes are salts - specifically the ions in salt. Some key electrolytes found naturally in our bodies include sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, bicarbonate and phosphate. 

These ions are responsible for carrying electrical charges throughout our bodies. Our cells rely on electrolytes to control cell membrane stability and to carry through electrical charges needed for muscle contractions caused by nerve impulse. Put simply, it's a matter of urgency to ensure they are replenished while exercising. 

When we exercise, excessive sweat leads to a loss of electrolytes, which cannot be replaced by drinking water alone. This is where sport drinks become an essential source of hydration and replenishment. 

However what is one to do when there are no sport drinks on hand or you simply want to opt for a natural option? The good news is that the key ingredient in your homemade electrolyte drink is likely to be sitting in your pantry. 

This ingredient is Himalayan Sea Salt. With 84 trace minerals, it offers the same electrolytes as most sports drinks sans the colouring and added sugar. Simply add 1/8 teaspoon to every 500ml of water. If taste is an issue, why not add some natural flavouring and try the recipe below. 


1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon

2 cups of purified water 

1/4 cup freshly squeezed orange juice 

2 teaspoons of organic raw honey 

1/8 teaspoon of himalayan salt