
Plank Your Way To Better Health

by Sportitude

If we are really being honest, it could be one of the least popular exercises out there. If you have ever attended a gym class, had a personal training session or embarked on a health kick, then you would know the feeling of staring at the watch and waiting for those gut-wrenchingly painful 30 -60 seconds to pass. Hard, yes. Boring, perhaps. There is a reason however all your classes include the plank. 

1. Let’s talk six pack: Planking is one of the most effective ways you can build on your deep inner core muscles, building the groundwork for that flat belly or six pack (depending on your commitment to the cause). 

2. Let’s talk back pain: While it may not be the most comfortable exercise, it will work wonders in reducing your back aches and pains. Why? It all goes back to strengthening that core, which in turn works to strengthen your back muscles. 

3. Let’s talk happiness: While it’s no secret that exercise is an instant mood booster, planking is particularly renowned for being able to elevate your mood. Planking stretches a large group of muscles, which tend to become tight from the day-to-day grind of sitting at work and in cars. Releasing neck and back muscles means you will also release tension which often causes headaches. 

4.Let’s talk flexibility: Planking is an easy and effective way to increase flexibility in the posterior muscle groups. This means that while you are working on your abs, you will also be expanding and stretching the muscles around your shoulders, collarbone, and shoulder blades. You will also be stretching out your hamstrings and the at times neglected arches of your feet and toes.