
Let's Stop Permanently Damaging Our Breasts

by Sportitude

Here is the cold hard truth. Sports bras and crop tops are not a fashion fad or Instagram prop, but a necessity. 

When the likes of Nike, New Balance, Running Bare and other top sporting brands engineer sporting crop tops they had one thing in mind, support.  Sure they look good, but that is just an added bonus. 

When it comes to women and sporting apparel, shoes and crop tops should be at the top of the investment list. Like the right support for your feet, the right support for your bust will not only ensure comfort, it will also prevent long-term damage.

A common misconception amongst women is that bust size matters, however when it comes to exercise there is no discrimination. Big busted or small busted, all women require extra support because your breasts will bounce no matter the size.

Short term, the wrong type of support will cause discomfort. However long-term it may lead to permanent damage. This is because breasts are made of fatty tissue and are surrounded by fragile ‘coopers ligaments’. Once stretched or broken, these ligaments will not miraculously snap back into shape.

The reality is of a more permanent nature, as sagging caused by stretched ligaments is irreversible. Furthermore, a lack of support may also lead to back aches and pains. All avoidable with the right sports apparel.   

So how to choose the correct crop top? Well, opting for a sporting brand is a good start. Unlike fashion crop tops, sporting designs have been specifically engineered to provide support during strenuous exercise.

Depending on your bust size and preference, you may opt for a crop top with an inbuilt bra or if you are smaller chested you may go down the road of a compression design. Either way, consider it an investment into your health and not your Instagram account (not that the latter doesn't count, because if you have worked for your abs - you will want to show them off. We don't blame you).