
Join A Cult To Improve Your Running Form

by Sportitude

Fitness cult that is... 

Runners, listen up. It’s time to ditch one of your morning sessions for a spin class to improve your running form. Now this isn’t just some excuse to get you to sign up to a spin class, no. A study published in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning found that implementing at least one high-intensity interval training class to your weekly routine might be an effective way to improve your stride and performance. 

While a spin class will help you achieve those toned pins, it will also help increase your overall fitness by providing an excellent cardio workout. Moreover, by completing flat surface and smaller hill cycles at an aerobic level, spin classes will help you develop your slow-twitch muscle fibres which will help you gain endurance for those long distance runs.   

Spinning will also help strengthen your mind and body connection. Unlike outdoor activities, which require you to also focus on external environmental factors, the safe and predictable environment of a spin class facilitates 100% focus on performance and pushing through those pain barriers. The end result will be a more tuned mind-body connection. When it comes to running, mental strength is key, so focusing on mental strength becomes as important as muscle strength.

So get up, sign up and start spinning.