
Yoga Your Way Out Of Midday Snacking

by Sportitude

It’s midday and you are on your second biscuit and coffee and you wonder how you had let it turn into an office habit. Truth be told, everyday stresses of work and life have turned a large portion of us into stress eaters. So how can we curb the habit? The answer may be as simple as NAMASTE. 

According to research undertaken by the University of Washington, regular yoga is shown to encourage mindful eating and an improved awareness of physical and emotional sensations associated with food.  A dedicated yoga routine helps strengthen the mind- body connection, in turn helping you tune into the emotional aspects of your cravings meaning you will be more in tune with the emotions behind your cravings. 

So next time you feel like reaching for that mid-morning biscuit, why not try to find a peaceful spot and have a 5-minute yoga session. Sit with your legs crossed and focus on your posture and breathing. The quiet time will allow you to focus on your emotions and their connections to your cravings. You may find that you are not hungry just simply need a quiet moment. Perhaps you may realise you are thirsty instead or if you truly need a pick me up, the 5 minutes of down time may promt you to reach for a healthier snack instead.