
How To Be Fast At Running: Tips To Boost Your Speed

by Sportitude

Running goes beyond the physical; it taps into the mental, emotional and even spiritual aspects of your overall person. By understanding the role of attitude, training, gear and running nutrition, you can unlock the answer to ‘How to be fast at running?’ and elevate your running game, reaching speeds you once only dreamed of. 

Read on to discover how you can make your next run your best one yet.

The power of attitude in running

Running is about more than just leg strength or lung capacity. It’s a blend of spiritual resilience and mental fortitude. From intense outback heat to a frosty Tasmanian winter morning, your attitude shapes your experience. Your mindset, just like your pair of men's running shoes or women's running shoes, either propels you forward or holds you back.

The importance of mindset in boosting speed

Ever felt that surge of excitement when slipping on a new pair of Saucony shoes or Hoka shoes? That’s the power of a positive mindset. This mental boost can push you to challenge yourself, striving for better times. Visualising simple joys, like the wind on your face or the steady beat of your feet on the ground, can spur you to pick up the pace.

Overcoming mental barriers to improve performance

Every runner understands the drag of negative thoughts. They’re like wearing the wrong pair of running shorts or compression tights – uncomfortable and restricting. But by focusing on the here and now, you can shift your focus away from daunting challenges. Being present helps combat creeping doubts and keeps you grounded.

Embracing passion and resilience for better running outcomes

Running is fuelled by passion – the spark that gets your running shoes on, come rain or shine. But resilience? That’s what helps you bounce back, cushioning every fall. Every challenge faced is a lesson learned, shaping your running journey and being a testament to your spirit.

Training techniques to boost your speed

Mastering the art of running speed isn’t just about hitting the pavement day in and day out. It’s about incorporating strategic techniques into your training regimen that specifically target and enhance your speed. Here are three core methods that top athletes employ to improve their running efficiency and speed.

The magic of interval training

Interval training isn’t just a change of pace; it’s a complete game-changer. It acts as a secret weapon in many athletes’ arsenals, and this method combines intense sprints with periods of rest or slower runs, offering a dual benefit. It boosts cardiovascular health and oxygen utilisation while also training the body to recover quickly, simulating the conditions of a race where spurts of speed are essential. 

Powering up with strength training

While running primarily engages your legs, a comprehensive strength training program ensures that your entire body works in harmony, maximising your running efficiency. The raw power behind your runs comes from more than just your legs. Incorporating exercises like squats, lunges and even upper-body routines can fine-tune your muscles for better efficiency, leading to faster times. 

Practising consistency

The path to boosting speed isn’t always about intensity; it’s about commitment and routine. Consistency in training ensures muscle memory, conditioning your body to perform at its best. By maintaining regular runs paired with consistent strength training and gradually increasing the intensity, you hone both your endurance and technique. 

💡KEY TAKEAWAY: Interval training, strength workouts and unwavering consistency are your tools for reaching top speeds. Embrace them and see your running dreams become reality.

Choosing the right gear for speed

Selecting the ideal equipment plays a pivotal role in enhancing your running speed. From running shoes to running clothing and accessories, every piece can make a difference in your performance. Dive into the essentials of selecting the right gear to achieve optimal speed on your runs.

The influence of footwear on a runner’s speed

Good shoes are more than just foot protectors; they are the cornerstone of a great run. They offer the necessary support, protect you from injuries, and even influence your running rhythm. Lightweight shoes might feel like they give wings to your feet, offering a boost in speed. 

However, it’s paramount to find the perfect balance between the lightness of the running shoe and the support it offers, especially for those enduring long runs.

How clothing can affect aerodynamics and running pace

Running is not just a ground game; it’s also about cutting through the air efficiently. The clothes you wear can either make you aerodynamically efficient or slow you down. Tight-fitting, breathable and moisture-wicking apparel helps reduce air resistance, allowing you to run with ease. It’s essential to ensure that while the gear fits snugly, it doesn’t restrict movement or cause discomfort.

The significance of using quality running accessories

It’s the age of technology, and staying updated can provide an edge. Quality accessories, such as an advanced running watch, can track your pace and heartbeat and even suggest improvements. Hydration packs ensure that you stay hydrated without the need to stop, preserving momentum. 

Accessories should be viewed as performance enhancers, not mere add-ons. Choosing the right ones can be the difference between a regular run and your personal best.

💡KEY TAKEAWAY: Investing in the right gear – from shoes to accessories – enhances performance and comfort. In the race for speed, every detail matters.

Nutrition and hydration for optimal performance

Proper nutrition and hydration form the bedrock of any serious running regimen. Understanding how to fuel and hydrate your body can be the difference between a sluggish jog and a sprint to the finish line.

Eating right to fuel your runs

Every step taken during a run demands energy, primarily sourced from our dietary intake. A balanced diet empowers each stride. Essential macronutrients like carbohydrates provide immediate energy, while proteins aid muscle repair. Fats act as a long-burning fuel, especially during extended runs. Ideally, a mix of carbs and proteins consumed before a run can optimise energy levels. 

Check out Sports Nutrition: Healthy Carbs, Protein & Fats to find out more about how your nutrition can support your performance.

The role of hydration in maintaining and boosting speed

The importance of water for runners cannot be understated. As we run, we lose fluids, leading to decreased performance and potential health risks. Hydration keeps muscles functioning efficiently and helps regulate body temperature. 

Starting a run well-hydrated ensures your body maintains peak performance. After running, replenishing lost fluids is paramount. Electrolyte-infused waters or sports drinks can help restore balance faster.

Post-run nutrition to aid recovery and maintain performance

Post-run, your body is in a state of repair. The muscles have been stressed, and glycogen stores have been depleted. Consuming carbohydrates immediately post-run can refill glycogen levels. Pairing this with proteins accelerates muscle recovery. This synergy of carbs and proteins ensures a quicker rebound and prepares the body for its next challenge.

💡KEY TAKEAWAY: Nutrition and hydration are foundational for performance and recovery. Understand and incorporate them, and you’ll run not just faster but smarter.

Why the right gear and attitude go hand in hand

Wearing the right running gear not only supports your performance by helping shed seconds off your personal best, but elevates your comfort. It’s no secret that when you’re more comfortable, you're more motivated to run further and faster. 

Everything from blisters to chafing to sweat can be a distraction during speed sessions. Wearing the right running clothing from reputable sportswear brands can help lift the burden of these common running irritations off your mind. 

Wearing running shoes that are not only a right fit for your specific running workout (e.g. interval training) but the right fit for your feet is another factor to consider – with each model offering different levels of cushioning and support.

When you’re more comfortable, you’re more focused, allowing you to flow into a smooth, running rhythm. Speed comes more easily and naturally, and you’ll be more determined to lace up consistently when you know you have right gear on hand to support your running journey. 

At Sportitude, we’re rooting for the runner in you. Trust in us to equip and inspire your journey, combining passion, expertise and world-class running gear to elevate every step you take.