
Eating For CrossFit - Learn How To Maximise Your Results

by Sportitude

CrossFit is one of the most grueling training regimes out there. Not to be taken lightly, it requires commitment and dedication to both the fitness aspect but also in the nutrition department. So what should a CrossFit devotee eat? According to Fit Day, an effective diet should be broken up into 30% Protein, 40% carbohydrates, and 30% fats. 

Protein: With so much strain placed on the muscles, a diet packed with protein is essential to muscle repair and injury prevention. Lean proteins provide the best option, so opt for chicken, eggs, and legumes.  

Carbohydrates: While 40% of your diet should be made up of carbohydrates, refined options are a big no. While reaching for white rice, flour, noodles or potatoes may be tempting or easy, opt for complex options instead. Fill your 40% with brown rice, oats, quinoa, fruit, vegetables and whole-wheat flour.  

Fats: Don’t let the word scare you. Your body requires fat to function. According to Fit Day, the secret to weight loss and muscle definition is ensuring your body does not go into “starvation mode” which occurs when it does not receive an adequate intake of fat. Now this doesn’t mean heading to the McDonalds drive through but filling your diet with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats found in nuts, fish, seeds, eggs, legumes, avocados, coconuts and plant based oils.