
Don't Let A 'Side Stitch' Side Track You

by Sportitude

When it comes to being present and in the moment, nothing will kill your run and momentum like that unexpected stitch. While we often associate the uncomfortable sensation with running too soon after a meal or drinking too much water, the muscle spasm is more likely to be associated with muscle fatigue. Now we are not saying eat and put your running shoes on, no. What this means is understanding the cause of your stitch will allow you to manage their occurrence.  

Stitches are caused by a spasm of the diaphragm, often the result of continual jarring caused by running.  So how to minimize the occurrence of stitches?  

1. Keep hydrated well before your run. Replenishing what you have lost during the run won’t be sufficient if you were dehydrated to begin with. Inadequate water intake is one of the most common sources of stitches, even the abdominal kind.  

2. Ensure you develop good core strength. Hit the gym and take up exercises such as Pilates to build muscles surrounding the abdominal area, which will then help minimize jarring of the diaphragm when you run.  

3. Keep your breathing pattern steady and regular during your run. Many stitches can be avoided through proper breathing techniques. Ensure you breathe in through the belly and diaphragm rather than the upper chest. 

4. Watch your posture. Running with a hunched back or your shoulder rolled down will also contribute to your stitch. Focus on your posture, which will in turn also promote improved running form and breathing.   

5. Releasing the stitch: Place the same arm as the side of the stitch behind your head and focus on your breathing, allowing the muscles to stretch out. If that doesn't help, try bending over to touch your toes.