
8 Ways To Put A Bounce Back Into Your Step

by Sportitude

In today’s fast paced life, it has become both common and acceptable to be tired, and we don’t even mean the kind of tired that can be fixed by 8 hours of sleep. Prolonged stress brought on by work, relationship and health issues can sap you of your energy even when sleep has been plentiful. We are talking about the kind of tired that leaves you not wanting to engage in day-to-day activities, the kind that leaves both your energy and mood levels at an all time low.  So how to boost your energy in 10 easy steps? 

1. Stay hydrated. Losing as little as 2% off your body weight due to dehydration can give you the same feeling as if you had just stayed up all night. Dehydration affects your mental healthy, physical health and energy levels so always ensure you have at least 2L of water a day. 

2. Catch half an hour of natural sunlight. While this may be harder to adhere to during the cooler winter months, when you spot some morning the sunshine, take the time to go for a walk around your office or home. Light synchronizes your internal body clock, which also regulates your energy levels. 

3. Stop comparing. The saying ‘comparison is the thief of joy’ hasn’t come out of thin air. Comparing yourself to other's as a worker, friend, wife, mother, father, or comparing yourself with others will leave you emotionally drained, the kind that sleep can’t fix. Instead, focus on what you do right and practice self-preaching. 

4. Ditch the carbs and have protein for lunch. While a nice pasta lunch may be tempting, a protein rich lunch such as eggs will give you a slow release of energy as opposed to putting you in a food-induced sleep coma. 

5. Eat more fat. And by fat, we mean omega-3 fatty acids. A lack of fatty acids in the body has been scientifically linked to lower energy and mood levels. Swap your canned tuna lunch for salmon and sardines. Your stomach and brain will thank you for it.

6. Move. Sitting at the office for extended hours is both emotionally draining and places the body in a lazy state. Standing up for a quick 5-minute walk or shaking it off once an hour will provide an instant pick me up and energy boost. 

7. Cut the refined stuff. We have all felt 4:30-itis , however, an afternoon biscuit or chocolate bar will only provide a sugar spike and a swift sugar low. Avoid the energy rollercoaster and opt for an organic cacao hot chocolate. Not only will it be kinder on the waistline, it will provide a natural source of IRON, which is proven to aid in energy levels.   

8. Learn to say no. The minute you realize you can’t do it all is the minute you will lift the emotional burden of stretching yourself too thin. Ensuring you