
8 Life Hacks To Help Shed The Kilos - This Means #FoodPorn Is Out

by Sportitude

When it comes to weight loss, watching those calories and hitting the gym are non-negotiable. But who doesn’t love a shortcut here or there? Why not start with small changes that will make a big difference on the scales in the long run. 

1. Replace your ‘can’t’ with ‘don’t’. If we are really being honest here, nobody likes to be told they can’t have something. So next time you reach for that unnecessary slice of cake tell yourself you ‘don’t need it’ rather than you can’t have it. 

2. Un-follow foodies. We all have that one friend with god given metabolism that can eat just about anything and will post images of just about anything they eat. However, studies have found that #foodporn images on social media can heighten the senses of those on the receiving end encouraging them to reach for a snack they wouldn’t have considered otherwise. 

3. Stare at greens: Studies have found that if you fill your kitchen with healthy food options, especially leafy greens in the fridge, the sheer act of staring at them in the morning will help you make healthier food decisions throughout the day. 

4. Set reminders: Set a daily reminder on your phone to alert you of your weight loss goals and once you have started making progress set reminders of how far you have come. 

5 Throwback: Place an image of yourself at your ideal weight in your workspace and in your kitchen at home. This will serve as a constant reminder of your weight loss journey, prompting you to make healthier food decisions.

6.Carry a water bottle with you at all times: While we all know that keeping hydrated can decrease our hunger and cravings, we also know that out of sight means out of mind. Carry a water bottle with you at all times to ensure you reach your 2l a day intake. 

7. Stock up on healthy snacks. We all know there are days when meetings run late and lunch turns into dinner. Keeping healthy snacks such as nuts in handbags and work desks will ensure you snack on healthy options and don’t over eat come mealtime. 

8. Ditch the comfort. We all have pants we turn to when our favourite skinny jeans start to get a little tight but instead of opting for the more comfortable option, wear your jeans as a reminder of your desire to shed the extra kilos.