
5 Ways To Detox Without Going On A Diet

by Sportitude

Diet. The most dreaded word in the dictionary, right next to the word detox that is. While we know that the benefits of a detox are innumerable, from ridding our body of toxins to increasing our energy levels, partaking in a detox can seem as daunting as committing to a mini marathon. Whether it be a juice cleanse or restrictive diet, participating in a detox takes dedication and time. So what to do when cutting out an entire food group and juicing three times day is not an option? Well, plenty actually.  

Drink up 

One of the most cost effective and time effective ways to detox the body is to drink up. Now I think by this point you know we are not referring to the grape liquid. We are talking H2O. Not only will it help rid your body of unnecessary toxins, it will also help boost your energy levels, memory and will even boost your metabolism. Ensure you drink 2L a day, consistently for two weeks and the results will speak for themselves. No excuse not to really… unless you don’t carry a water bottle with you at all times. Let us help you out here.  

Add lemon  

While starting your day with exercise may seem like a big commitment, squeezing some lemon into your water shouldn’t be so hard. Vitamin C found in lemon kick-starts a detoxification process in the liver protects it from damage. Drink a glass of lukewarm lemon water in the morning to detox your body and boost the metabolism.  

Insert Vitamins 

When time is of the essence, ensuring you reach your daily intake of vitamins is not always possible. This is where introducing supplements can give the benefits of a detox. If you are feeling flat and tired, book a visit with your Dr. for a blood test to ensure you are not Vitamin D or iron deficient. When that is in check, opt for vitamins C, Vitamin B and Magnesium to help detoxify heavy metals, stimulate the bowels and to act as a mineral activator for many detox enzymes.  

Sweat it out 

Research has found that sweating it out at the Sauna for 25-30 minutes, three times a week could be as beneficial as going on a detox by helping detoxify the body from toxic agents such as lactic acid, sodium and uric acid that accumulates in the body. Toxins found stored in our subcutaneous fat is also released though sweat and perspiration, which is accelerated when we have a sauna session.  

Insert Fiber 

As the story goes, what comes in must come out. If your metabolism has plateaued you may be in need of more fiber. Studies suggest that we reach for a minimum of 25grams of fiber every day. This will not only help flush out your system, it will also help prevent colorectal cancer, the onset of diabetes and heart disease.     

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