
5 Quick Ways To Beat The Monday Blues (3. Is Non Negotiable)

by Sportitude

It’s no secret that Monday is the most dreaded day of the week and the notion of ‘Monday blues’ is actually scientifically proven and not a myth. So what can we do to beat the cycle of the Monday grind when time is of the essence? Here we share 10 quick tricks to help boost your mood and have you at your Sunday best… on a Monday.

1. Get Organised: Feeling overwhelmed? Skip the morning read and write a list instead. Spending 10 minutes organising your thoughts and day will free your mind of unnecessary clutter. It's is scientifically proven to reduce stress levels and will probably mean you tick off a few extra activities that would have otherwise slipped your mind. 

 2. Switch off: Take 5 – 10 minutes to meditate in the middle of the day. Find a quiet place (your work storage room, we won’t judge) and focus on your breathing. Take three very deep and slow breaths in through your nose exhale counting to three out the mouth. As your mind begins to wonder, shift it back to counting your breath. Feeling like you’re not a meditation expert? No worries. The sheer exercise of trying to perfect your breathing will shift the focus away from negative and stressful thoughts. 

3. … Then switch it on: It’s no secret that music is a mood elevator. Research has found that listening to your favourite tunes can diminish biological markers of stress such as an increased heart rate and high blood pressure. 

4. Smile: Forced? No worries. Research has found that the average person doesn’t crack a smile before 11:15am on a Monday, however, the mere act of smiling is proven to help elevate your mood. So forced or not, make it a routine to show off those pearly whites when you enter the office. 

5. Random is best. Random acts of kindness in the office will not only help boost your mood but will also benefit your long-term health. According to Dr David R. Hamilton, random acts of kindness create emotional warmth, which releases a hormone known as oxytocin. This, in turn, causes the release nitric oxide, which dilates the blood vessels, helping reduce blood pressure. So go on make that extra coffee and throw around those compliments. Your body will thank you for it.