
5 Excuse Busters To Get You To The Gym Tomorrow

by Sportitude

Location, Location, Location 

While it may be tempting to sign up to the latest on-trend gym, truth be told, you should be more worried about location than who is attending your local fitness club. A gym that is located close to or on your way to work is the ideal motivator. By making a routine stop on your way to or from work, you are more likely to commit to a schedule. 

The "No Gym Bag" Excuse 

Cut the self-sabotage by ensuring you are always prepared. Ensure you have a gym bag and essentials packed the night before. Go a step further and put it in the car so that you're ready for that pre- or post-work gym session the next day.

If you scramble to pack your gym bag in the morning or you need to go home to pack after work, you are less likely to commit. Don’t think twice and pull into the gym.

Make a Booking 

So you have finally taken the step to attend that class or training session. You’re all geared to go but the class is full so you stick around for 15 minutes, do a slow walk on the treadmill and leave.

With most gyms offering online booking systems, it’s imperative to book ahead. Not only will you avoid disappointment, but also more importantly by booking you have made a commitment to go. We all hate those "where were you" glances from the front desk staff and will avoid them at all costs.  

Partner Up

Finding a gym partner means accountability. Will you really be able to make excuses on a regular basis with an exercise partner to consider?

If you and your gym partner have paid for a membership together, will you really be able to say no? By voicing your commitments and having someone else to consider, you are twice as likely to stick to a routine.  

Set Realistic Goals 

So it has been months between your last gym membership and you have woken up one morning and decided today was the day. You sign up to your local cross-fit centre and decided to take 4-5 classes a week to get back into shape swiftly. While ideal, the reality is far more likely to be a few missed sessions and a bruised morale.

By setting realistic goals you are far more likely to stick to a gym routine. Commit to 1-2 sessions a week and work your way up. Remember, it's all about making progress and building a healthy habit.