
4 Ways To Speed Up Your Weight-Loss That Don't Include Exercise

by Sportitude

So you have just booked your next vacation and that beach body is at the top of the priority list. You have increased your gym visits and have cut all bad food habits cold turkey, but you know you could be doing more. Correct. 

When it comes to weight loss, ensuring you boost your metabolism is key. Here we share four effective ways to speed up the process that don't involve breaking more sweat (ok perhaps one does...) 

1. Stop dieting: Not to be confused with going back to dessert dates and cheat nights, no. Maintaining a healthy and well-balanced diet as opposed to crash dieting will ensure your metabolism remains intact. Studies show that low carbohydrate and low-calorie diets send our bodies into survival mode, severely slowing down our metabolism and leading to muscle loss as opposed to burning fat. 

2. Spice it up: Chilli food contains capsaicin, a chemical compound which boosts our heart rate and metabolism. Furthermore, capsaicin raises our body temperature, ensuring we burn more calories throughout the day. 

3. Hydrate: Dehydration and inadequate water intake is proven to slow down our metabolic rate. Meeting the 2L daily water requirement will not only help boost your metabolism but will also prevent you from overeating and feeling hungry in-between meals.   

4. Get your beauty sleep: Going to bed at a set time and ensuring you get a minimum of 7 hours sleep will not only increase your concentration, beauty, and overall health but it will also aid in your weight loss. Studies have shown that decreased sleep affects your body's hunger hormones - increasing your cravings and hunger the next day.