
4 Things All Fit Men Have In Common (Because Those Abs Don't Come Easy)

by Sportitude

When it comes to fitness, there is no ‘one fits all’ blueprint. A successful routine is dependent on finding the right activity or exercise that fits your lifestyle and goals. However, there are some similarities all fit men share that help ensure a committed and consistent routine. 

1.Sleep: Not only is sleeping essential to having the energy to sustain your fitness goals, but it also plays a central role in muscle repair. Without adequate sleep, your muscles and fibres will repair at a much slower rate. Gym advocates will never compromise on their beauty sleep. 

2. Expanded Horizons: All active men extended their fitness routines outside of the gym. This is because their fitness goals, whatever they may be, have become a lifestyle rather than a chore. Walking and riding, instead of driving, taking the stairs and getting an extra run in, become a part of the daily and weekly routine.

3. A healthy approach to food: All fit men know that it’s not about calorie counting but adding the right fuel into their body. While protein shakes can aid in post-workout muscle repair, a diet rich in wholesome, unprocessed foods will ensure endless energy and will maximize workout results. This means a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, meats, whole grains and healthy fats like olive oil and avocado. Sticking to nutritionally dense foods instead of empty calories. 

4. They cut the excuses: Fit men prioritise health and fitness as a lifestyle choice and ensure it is a priority mixed into weekly life. No matter what work, family or social commitment they have, they will find time to exercise.