
4 Pre-Exercise Snack Options That Will Boost Your Energy And Recovery

by Sportitude

When it comes to the right kind of fuel, what we put in pre-exercise will make the difference between an average workout and a legendary one. Overstatement? We think not.

The right fuel does not mean a McDonalds run on your way to the gym, sugar laden cereal or a muffin. The right fuel means natural, low GI foods, which will last the duration of your workout, releasing energy gradually instead of offering a quick sugar high. It also means choosing nutrient and protein rich foods, which will aid in muscle repair and recovery. So what should you opt for? 

Bananas: Commonly referred to as nature’s power bar, bananas are packed with potassium, essential in maintaining nerve and muscle function. Loaded with easily digestible carbohydrates, bananas provide the right kind of energy sans the full and heavy feeling. 

Fruit and Yoghurt: If you are in need of a sweet fix pre workout, a fruit salad topped with yoghurt would be the way to go. Fruit will provide the carbohydrates your body needs while yoghurt will provide the post workout protein essential to muscle recovery.  

No Sugar, Just Oats: While it may be tempting to reach for your favourite cereal, chances are your breakfast of champions is sugar laden and will do very little to improve your workout. Filled with fibre and vitamin B, oats will release carbohydrates gradually, keeping your energy levels consistent throughout your workout.   

Bread. Colour Matters: Opt for a wholegrain bread to ensure a steady release of energy. Like sugar laden cereals, white bread will ensure a sugar spike which will leave you feeling flat half way though your workout.