
4 Fail Proof Ways To Help Release Your Inner Yogi

by Sportitude

When it comes to Yoga, it takes months if not years of perfecting the practice. At the heart of each session is the ability to switch off and escape to your very own peaceful haven in the midst of a class of 30. However, there are 4 quick ways of improving your form all but overnight.  

1. Don’t try too hard to switch off: The pressure to switch off can make being present in the moment all the more impossible. Acknowledge the random thoughts that pop into your head (like whether you locked the house door on your way out) then go back to focusing on creating your own oasis. Don’t get bogged down by random thoughts, acknowledge them and move on.  

2. Focus on your breathing: We mean REALLY focus on your technique and ask yourself are you breathing in through the diaphragm. By focusing on the sensation of breathing through your stomach and diaphragm and focusing on the expanding and deflating of the stomach you will also learn to switch off and ignore your surroundings. 

3. Get in tune with your body. Rather than competing with the person next to you and focusing on how good your downward dog looks, focus on how you are feeling. Get in tune with the muscles that feel tight and the areas that need work. By focusing on your body rather than what is happening around you, you will learn to be more present in the moment.   

4. Count your blessings: If you are very new to YOGA and find your mind wanders off too easily, use the time to introduce some productive self-affirmations. Use the time to count your blessings and focus on everything you are grateful for in life. While you may not be able to block out all the external noise during your first few sessions, you can use the time to block out negative thoughts and introduce positive thinking.