
Your Post-Workout Survival Kit - You're Welcome

by Sportitude

We have all heard about post-workout recovery sessions but many of us are too readily skipping this crucial step. While life may be busy, and it may be tempting to run straight from your gym session to an important meeting or date, post workout recovery matters, not just in the immediate aftermath of a workout but also in the hours that follow.  Increasing your commitment to post workout recovery means your muscles will recover faster, your form will improve quicker and you will drastically minimise your risk of injury. 

Not feeling inspired? Then this beginner’s pack should do the job. 

Learn proper stretching techniques: Truth be told, many fitness instructors are only skimming the surface of post workout stretching. Furthermore, an instructor won’t be there to hold your hand through a post-run stretch. So get educated. Read up on how to stretch properly and know what muscles to target when. A good book is only a click of the button away…  

Stretch it out then massage it out: Don’t have time to go for a massage, then turn to a Foam Massage Roller which will deliver the same benefits in the comfort of your own home. The even better news, foam rollers are now more accessible than ever with plenty of options for all budgets… 

Use the right fuel: Exercise without the right diet is exercise wasted. Studies have shown that a post-workout drink containing carbohydrates, proteins and fats is required within 30 minutes of your workout. Protein will not only aid in muscle recovery but will also aid muscle growth. With hundreds of options on the market, you can even pick the flavor of your shake. Think of it as a post workout treat.

Hydrate, then hydrate some more: Post workout hydration is just as important as drinking water during a workout session. Ensure you carry a water bottle with you at all times, drinking a recommended 2l of water a day plus and extra 1.5L of fluid for every kilo lost during a workout session. Invest in a water bottle and make it a permanent fixture in your handbag.

Sleep it off: Don’t underestimate the importance of sleep. Not only is sleep required for cell repair, it is also a necessity when it comes to post workout recovery. The body releases a hormone, which aids muscle repair as we sleep so ensure you have at least 7-8 hours a night If you are finding every day stresses and sore muscles are keeping you up, inject some magnesium into your diet. Not only will it help eliminate cramping and relax those tired muscles, it will also help you get to sleep sooner.

Shop the 'post-workout' survival kit below...