
The Free Beauty Remedy Celebrities Swear By

by Sportitude

On a quest to create a healthy glow? Well, aren’t we all. Now do you want the good news or the bad news first? Let’s start with the bad news… all those $100 elixirs and monthly facials may have been a waste of money. The good news? Making them worth your while won’t cost you more money. We’re not about to tell you to invest in more expensive miracle creams or to have a little non-invasive work done. We’re about to offer a totally free, addictive and feel good solution – we’re about to tell you to run or just sweat a little.  

Whether it’s a run, spin class or boxing class, working up a sweat is great for your skin. Here are the 4 very real seasons exercising is good for your skin. I mean celebrities swear by it after all, so they must be onto something good... 

Blood flow and oxygen 

Poor circulation may lead to a whole host of problems, one of which is affecting the tone and health of our skin. Poor circulation can place extra stress on the lymphatic system, which is responsible for ridding our bodies of toxins. If not eliminate properly toxins will find another way out, through the skin. High-Intensity exercise will deliver increased blood flow to your entire body, ensuring your skin cells receive all the nutrients they need. An added bonus, it will also help combat those dark circles around the eyes, an area in which blood flow is generally poor.  


Can’t afford a weekly facial or simply don’t have the time? Go for a run…and by run we mean really work up a sweat. Sweating opens up the pores, allowing all the trapped dirt and oil to reach the surface. By increasing blood flow to the living layers of the skin and opening sweat glands, our skin is able to rid itself of deeper layers of toxins and grime. This does mean however that a shower and cleanser is the first thing on the agenda following a workout. 

Muscle Tone 

Exercising will not cure cellulite and those nasty dimples we all dread so much, it will however significantly reduce their appearance. While attacking cellulite requires a dedicated diet, regular massages, water intake, exercise plays a key role. Strong and firm muscles will help support your skin's elasticity and will help tone the skin, in turn reducing the appearance of dimples.  

Stress reduction and that Athletes Glow 

Now we all know that stress is not good for our health, but as science will have it, it’s even worse for our skin. Stress is directly linked to increasing our hormone levels, which has been known to promote or worsen skin concerns such as acne and rosacea. Swap that with a “runner glow” that we all envy. With increased blood flow to the skin, a boost of confidence and some fresh air, a run could be all the love your complexion needs.