
Myth Or Fact: Colour Therapy To Control Your Appetite

by Sportitude

We love living in a kaleidoscope of colour - from super fun, knee-high rainbow socks to the vibrant foods that nourish our bodies.

Colour is food for our eyes, but did you know chromotherapy, the art/science of colour therapy may also curb your appetite and shape your mood?

We aren’t going to say if it’s myth or fact either way, just to keep you on your toes! But in all honesty, we believe everyone is different and therefore colour may (or may not) affect you differently.


Did you do double take when checking out this photo of a blue cupcake? Many studies indicate that blue may suppress our appetites as unlike green or red, it is not a colour found commonly in nature.

You may love eggplant, blueberries, purple cabbage and blue-purple potatoes, but these hues of colour are a rarity in nature compared to some we'll chat about later.

Blue colouring may have indicated toxicity back when our ancestors relied on foraging to get a hunger fix.

Blue crockery or food dyed blue may function as a deterrent to your appetite, so you may find yourself skipping a second serving or craving that sugary sweet blue cupcake a little less.

It’s even suggested that installing a blue light in your fridge to suppress appetite might assist in healthy weight management - perfect for combating those midnight snack cravings.

Blue is also calming, so you may be less likely to dive into your meal with full gusto.

When you next renovate your kitchen, a paint job of cool colours like blue and purple may just be the answer to put a stop to mindless or boredom inspired eating.


Warm colours such as red and yellow are the dominate colours representing fast food joints across the globe. Just think of the big golden arches.

It’s not a coincidence. These colours are believed to stimulate your appetite, firing up neurons in your brain without you even being aware of it, and may trigger an emotional response.

However, there is some debate that red may also act as a ‘warning sign’ to our hungry selves, and thus you’re less likely to overeat when surrounded by this colour. Nevertheless, this belief doesn’t appear to have as much support as the former.

After all, when has a juicy red apple or sweet red capsicum led you astray? 

Yellow is associated with happiness and positivity. Although we love the good vibes from this colour, you may indulge more when in a cheery mood as opposed to when tranquil or feeling blue.

Orange also acts as an appetite stimulant, and is thought to trigger an energising response in the brain. There's a plethora of fruits and veggies that fall under this spectrum - oranges (duh!), pumpkin and carrots to name a few.


Green is a symbol of freshness, health and wellbeing. Even though little ones may neglect their green veggies, the colour green is associated as being safe and edible.

It may inspire healthier eating, so you’ll opt for the salad rather than becoming best buddies with the deep fryer.    


A pristine white plate may not be the way to go when serving up, especially if it’s your next pasta dish.

It’s suggested that contrast between plate and food colour is key to feeling more satisfied, and white food on a white plate may decrease your awareness of just how much you’re consuming.

Just think, when you’re enjoying white snack foods such as buttery popcorn or salty potato chips (drooling much?), avoiding eating the entire bag in one hit is virtually impossible. Perhaps this is because the lack of colour may suggest (incorrectly) lack of calories to our hungry brains.


Doh, we burnt our toast again! Not so appetising now is it?

Black, grey and brown are all considered appetite suppressing colours (well, except in the case of dark chocolate of course… yum).  

As humans, typically we enjoy bright colours that attract the eye when it comes to our eating habits, and although black may be flattering on our waistline it's not necessarily something you'd like to put in your mouth.

What colours get your tummy rumbling?