
How To Keep Motivated And Active To Beat The Winter Blues

by Sportitude

We get it. There are days when you’d rather stay snuggled up in bed than brave the chilly weather. But these 5 tips will help keep you moving and loving it - even if you happen to skip your morning coffee fix, heaven forbid!

Gear up with activewear you love

We are guilty of wearing sportswear all day, even if we’re just out and about running errands. Wearing smooth, skin-hugging tights teamed up with a chic, sports luxe tee or tank not only makes you feel amazing in your own skin but can give you a mood boost. 

From experience, you’ll actually want to exercise. But before you call us crazy, just remember the euphoria of a runner's high and you’ll see where we’re coming from. 

Not only that, but the cold air on your face is energising. And if you're phobic of the chill, don’t worry, once you get your body moving, you’ll feel warmer and more like you in no time. Winter is the perfect time to keep moving without the worry of heat stress wreaking havoc on your hard-working body. 

Buy a fitness tracker

Slap it on your wrist and you’ve got a technical fitness buddy to track your performance, keep you motivated and on track to reaching your goals. There are heaps of options, whether you love to run for fun and fitness in the urban jungle, trek nature at its wildest or with multi-sport functions for mixing up your routine.

When you see the real data or put a numerical value to your progress, you’re more likely to stay motivated to push beyond your personal best. And who are we kidding, it’s fun to know the ins and outs of your heart so a fitness tracker with a heart-rate monitor may be for you.

But remember, you’ve got to actually wear it. It can’t do much for you hiding at the back of your snack drawer!

Join a spin, yoga or gym class

Sometimes having a schedule is all you need to stick to your guns when it comes to beating the winter blues. Joining a spin, yoga or gym class gives you a time to keep and again, provides a social aspect to your workout.Mixing up your fitness by varying your workout with different classes can also keep your routine fresh.

Don’t keep your fitness goals a secret and do grab a fitness buddy

Rather than going into hibernation like a grizzly bear this winter, train with your bestie and make it a social occasion. Knowing there’s someone with similar fitness goals waiting for you to spring off the slouch couch and into action is super motivational. 

Don’t keep your fitness goals a secret. Saying your goals and aspirations out loud to a buddy can do wonders for your mindset and in turn, kicking up the intensity of your workout. Whether it’s sharing your progress in an online fitness community like Garmin Connect or inviting your bestie for a run, sharing with friends, family and fitness buddies gives you a boost. You can even compete or challenge them to reach their 10,000 steps a day. 

If your fitness buddy has paws and is furry all over, that’s cool too. Knowing your furry friend needs daily exercise for health and enrichment can turn up the fun factor of your workout and keep you motivated. The energy and excitement of dogs is infectious.

Making a habit of walking your dog will have you and them barking with joy and goes a long way to both of your mental and physical health. Plus, even if you do opt to wear daggy old trackies, your furry buddy will never criticise your workout getup.

Don’t overthink it

Don’t get us wrong, planning your approach to health and fitness, solidifying your goals in writing and reading up on the latest lifestyle blogs can be super inspiring. But just make sure it doesn’t turn into procrastinating – we’re all guilty of it in the colder weather. 

The best thing you can do is get up and move. The second you stop putting it off and start embracing it, the quicker you’ll learn to love the winter chill. 

OK, maybe love is too strong a word but know this, it’s never too early to start working on your bikini bod for summer and to feel fit and healthy from the inside out.