
Deal With A Blockage With 4 Simple Steps

by Sportitude

No one likes blockages. No time for them in the kitchen sink, the dishwasher or one of a more personal kind. You know where this is heading, the awkward ‘p’ subject. When our colon is blocked, things just don’t work as they should. Not only does it mean a sore and bloated stomach but also lower energy levels and mood swings. So how to solve the situation with a more natural approach? 

1. Set the alarm a little earlier and go for a run. One of the leading and least discussed causes of constipation is a lack of exercise. Weak stomach muscles mean food is not passed through the bowels as quickly and swiftly and general inactivity leads to a significantly slower metabolism.  If going for a swift run is not for you, moderate exercise is also shown to stimulate the bowels. Try and 20-30 minute walk every morning.  

2. Hydrate: Would you expect your kitchen sink to work properly if all you sent down there were food scraps? We didn’t think so. Staying hydrated is crucial to helping things move. Without an adequate intake of H2O, the stool is simply unable to pass. If water is not your friend, try adding a few cucumber or fruit slices to your bottle to add flavor. 

3. Add citrus. Oranges and mandarins are packed with stool-softening Vitamin C, fiber and naringenin, a flavonoid, which has been proven to have a laxative effect.  Heck, cut the job in half by enjoying a mandarin or two during your walk. 

 4. Not that coffee devotes needed an added excuse for reaching for the morning grind, but when it comes to matters of the colon, coffee has been proven to be one of nature’s most effective laxatives. Studies have linked coffee’s acidity to increasing the frequency of bathroom visits by as much as 30%.  

So before you reach for an over the counter alternative that may leave you sitting within immediate reach of the bathroom all day, get up, do a spot of exercise, hydrate, eat the right food and enjoy an extra coffee.