
Why Monochrome Basics Blur The Lines Between Gym And Fashion

by Sportitude

So here is the world’s worst kept secret. Sometimes us girls like to dress in sportswear over the weekend just because.  More specifically JUST BECAUSE we are on the run and require a comfortable outfit, are considering hitting the gym in between running our errands or simply because some sports attire looks that good. 

In comes Running Bare, THE cult label you are likely to have seen all over your Instagram news feed. Delivering on both fronts, style and performance, Running Bare has become the go to label for gym enthusiasts and fashion enthusiast alike. 

We couldn’t help but feel inspired by the styling of modern day muse Sara Donaldson a.k.a. Harper & Harley. Not only does this social influencer dress well, she also commits to a healthy lifestyle with regular yoga and pilates sessions. We can’t help but think however that Sara, like the rest of us mere mortals, may slip into her Running Bare attire on those lazy days off as well…  because the range looks that good.